Corporate Information

The Founder

Noor Hayati binti Basri, born on 1st of October 1974, a very well-known expert in the Laundry and Cleaning Service Industry has also been recognized and awarded by The International Committee of Textile Care (CINET) in Milan, Italy.
Her passion in the Laundry and Cleaning Service industry for the past decade has made herself been notify by a few government agencies.
She is also a certified Business Coach appointed by Institut Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN), certified by Skills Development Department of the Ministry of Human Resources under Retail and Commercial Laundry Services Level 2 and Level 3 also a certified trainer by Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF) Malaysia.
Our Vision
Laundry Zone to be the #1 trusted brand in the Premium Lifestyle Laundry Services.
Our Mission
Our Motto

Less Hassle, Zero Defect

Contact Us Now

Quality Service with Free Collection & Delivery

It is our goal to offer you the best possible laundry
and dry cleaning service available.

(+6) 014 839 2900